Sunday 15 January 2012

All bad food is yellow...

Hmmm, so I've already fallen back into my old, junk food scoffing ways. I disgust myself. I've had a really stressful week - mainly money issues and work being a bit of a nightmare, coupled with me beating myself up for buying and eating shed-loads of unhealthy, useless junk food. I've not been sleeping well either, which leads me to not having the motivation to organise myself, which then leads to having no lunches made. Cue many trips to the shops to buy lunch and ending up with crisps, chocolate and general yellow food.

Let me explain the whole 'yellow food' thing while we're here. This stems from an observation my Mum made while watching 'You Are What You Eat' (the programme with Gillian McKeith). Basically, they'd fill up two tables with food - one with all the healthy new foods they should be eating, and one with all the unhealthy old foods they were going to ditch. Needless to state the new table was always beautifully presented with a myriad of colours and textures, but the old table was just yellow and greasy and processed - it always looked hideous. And so the rule of yellow was born in our family:

"All bad food is yellow, but not all yellow food is bad".

Think about it - it's true. When we say yellow we mean various shades of, including brown and orange and everything in between, but you know the general shade I mean. Unless it's artificially coloured it's basically yellow. 

Pizza = yellow
Chips = yellow
Pie = yellow
Crisps = yellow
Ice cream = yellow
Butter = yellow
Chocolate = brown
Cheese = yellow
Bread = yellow

I don't really need to continue. To illustrate the point I've managed to grab a couple of pictures of the bad vs good tables from 'You Are What You Eat':

I rest my case. Anyway, I had managed to get myself eating stuff that resembled the good table, but here I've been for the last few days cramming yellow, processed rubbish into my face just like old times. And sure enough the pounds are creeping back on. Tsk.

So, enough whining. Time to get back to eating fruit and veg and decent, unprocessed stuff. Got to get some good sleep, get organised and take care of myself!!

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