Saturday 3 March 2012

Running Update

My posts are rather sporadic! Perhaps if I wrote less and more often I'd be more successful with this blogging malarky. Possibly the same could be applied to my diet.

An update on my running efforts then. You'll no doubt be totally gobsmacked to hear that I've managed to keep it up, and not just that but I'm able to report a marked improvement! Looking back at my posts on 7th January I wrote about my jog around the Swan Pond. At that point I was just able to run 4 minutes without stopping. Well, I'm over the moon to report that I can now run for 40 minutes (at my snail-pace that's about 3.6miles) without stopping. The first time I passed the 5k mark I had to stop on the seafront and have a little cry out of sheer pride in myself.

My next step is to enter a 5k race. Our half marathon effort still feels like a world away for me but two months ago being able to run for half an hour seemed nigh on impossible. I'm going to give it all I've got though.

Sadly I'm not really any thinner, having consumed approximately 100 Easter eggs already. Must do something about my diet too.


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